Takbir Sukma Trada Indonesia
We are a company that engaged in Trade and Services. Our products are specifically related to the Pesticide Industry, both for Household, Plantation and Agricultural Pesticides. Our manufacturers have equipment facilities that are at par with international standards.
Established since 2020, although we are still young, we has strong determination and has very experienced and dedicated personnel, so that we are able to provide good products, stable and controlled production in quality.
In the Services sector, we have the right regulatory knowledge, and are supported by each Relevant Ministries and Institutions (State Laboratories). We have also become representatives for several foreign companies engaged in Testing Analysis and Product Certification, making us the right and credible services company.
Vision :
Become a leading and trusted trading and service company in Indonesia
Mission :
Making customers successful with us by providing solutions to customer’s raw material needs, providing practical solutions in services for customer satisfaction, to make all customers have stable availability of raw materials, high quality, complete legality and productive
Insecticide Technical Concetration
Raw Material
Mosquito Coil Manufacturer Machine and
Spare Parts Supplier
All of the products we have, we get directly from the Manufacturer (Not Trader). We ensure all Manufacturers are equipped with viscosity testers to ensure quality consistency. The customer will receive a consignment – according to the quality of the sample. We also ensure that all Manufacturers have a good inventory system in procuring products/parts/raw materials – to ensure consistent supply throughout the year to customers.
Along with the growing market in Indonesia, we have also developed and have our own Formulation Facility to support Pesticide Industry needs in Indonesia.
Building Facilities

Address :
Rose Garden II - Grand Galaxy City Jalan Rose Garden 2, Blok RRG 2 No. 83, Jakasetia, Bekasi Selatan, Kota Bekasi, Jawa Barat 17147
Plant / Formulation Facilities

Address :
Kawasan Industri Millenium Cibadak, Cikupa, Tangerang, Banten 15710
Capacity :- 400 M3 (roof) - All Process
- 60 M3 (office) - Administration & QC Staff
- Trucking movement :
- Parking : 1 (one) Trailler in
- Loading & Unloading : Forklift
- Traffic : Trailler
Lab Testing Services
- Automotive Parts Analysis (RoHS, SEM-EDX, etc)
- Food Nutrition Analysis
- Five Batch Analysis
- (Chemical & Pesticide)
- Physical & Chemical Analysis
- Pesticide Residue Trials & Analysis
- Bio-efficacy Study, Toxicology Study, Ecotoxicology Study, Environmental Fate Studies
- (Chemical & Pesticide)
- New Company Establishment (PMA/PMDN)
- Preliminary Approval from the Investment Coordinating Board
- Company Name Approval
- Making a Notary Deed
- OSS Principle Licensing
- Permits in the region
- Taxpayer Identification Number (NPWP)
- Registration of Company Establishment at the Ministry of Law and Human Rights
- Company Change
- Making a Notary Deed
- OSS Principle Licensing
- Registration of Company Changes at the Ministry of Law and Human Rights
Legal Services
Product Development and
Market Research
- Market Survey and Market Information Services for companies who want to enter new market shares and new products
- Provide a feasibility report (Market Survey Report) which includes Prospects of Industry and Prospects of Investment Costs (Fixed and Operating), Personnel & Manpower Needs and Factory Layout
- Providing the best solution on the machines that must be used and the appropriate raw materials to meet customer needs
- Provide recommendations from time to time on the latest innovations available in the industry to enable continuous process improvement and efficiency improvements
- Supporting clients in pursuing new automation opportunities to lower production costs
- Researching new formulations and technologies that enable cost savings in product manufacturing
In all our services, we always help and maintain the confidentiality of all our customer data, help find all other raw materials needed for product manufacture and help find the right finished product to be marketed in Indonesia.

PT Megasari Makmur

Synergia Sciences Pvt Ltd

PT Texchem Indonesia

PT Mustika Sukses Terpadu

Eva Mulia Klinik

PT Gebang Surya Harapan

PT Sinar General Industries

PT Advics Manufacturing Indonesia

PT Willowood Agrisciences Indonesia

PT Sinergi Chem Indonesia
Contact Us
Office :
Grand Galaxy City, Ruko Rose Garden, Blok RRG 2 No.83, Kel. Jakasetia, Kec. Bekasi Selatan, Kota Bekasi, Prov. Jawa Barat. Indonesia
Plant 1 :
Kawasan Industri Millenium Cibadak, Cikupa, Tangerang, Banten
Office : +6221-8274-9477